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Darwin’s “Giant Llama” and Legacy of Ancient Megafauna

Nearly two hundred years ago, an epic voyage shaped the views of a young naturalist.  Traveling aboard H.M.S. Beagle through South America from 1832-35, as well as over land, Darwin took in endemic flora and fauna which helped shape the theory of evolution by natural selection.  In Argentina, Darwin uncovered […]

The Fate of Darwin’s “Mischievous” Caracaras

It’s perhaps the most central environmental question facing us: will we be able to adapt to an accelerated pace of climate change?  In the case of birds, the answer would seem to be a resounding “no.”  That, at least, is the impression I get while speaking with experts aboard the […]

Darwin and the Curious Case of Gaucho Rivero

From 1832-1835, a young Charles Darwin made his way through South America aboard HMS Beagle, during which time he made key observations pertaining to wildlife.  Though Darwin’s exploits on the Galápagos are widely discussed, his travels in the South Atlantic, and specifically the Falkland Islands (known in Argentina as the […]

Adventure! Darwin and Climate Change in the South Atlantic

At the risk of asking a somewhat grandiose question, will we be able to adapt to climate change, or alternatively face extinction?  If he were alive today, it’s a question which might have vexed Charles Darwin — though the naturalist would not have denied environmental change, the colossal pace of […]

Darwin and the Warrah

While in the Falklands, Darwin encountered Dusicyon Australis, a native wolf called the Warrah.  How did the animal wind up on the islands?  Darwin was mystified, since he found no evidence the creature existed anywhere else.  The naturalist observed that the Warrah was remarkably tame, and he described a gaucho […]

Montevideo: Indigenous Peoples and Mutinous Black Troops

Darwin and the crew of HMS Beagle traveled to Montevideo in 1832, the era of Britain’s so-called “informal empire” in South America.  At the time, Montevideo was a crucial slave port, but as whites struggled for independence slaves sought retribution.  Attracted by offers of manumission, some slaves became soldiers, while […]

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