Category Archives: Uncategorized

Darwin’s Voyage Aboard the Beagle and Forgotten Slave History

Though Charles Darwin is famous for coming up with evolutionary theory, most are probably unaware the naturalist took part in military intervention against mutinous black rebels in Montevideo no less.  The incident, which took place at the beginning of HMS Beagle’s voyage in 1832, is ironic since the young scientist […]

COP29 and Emerging Buenos Aires-Mar-a-Lago Climate Denial Alliance

Judging from the timeline, it would seem Washington and Buenos Aires are fast becoming like-minded climate denial allies while perhaps even collaborating to scuttle meaningful environmental cooperation.  On November 12th, Argentine President Javier Milei reportedly communicated with Donald Trump, who called his South American counterpart “my favorite president.”  There’s a […]

Charles Darwin: Gunboat Imperialist?

From 1832-1835, Charles Darwin traveled across South America aboard HMS Beagle, during which time he uncovered fossils which would later inform the theory of evolution.  Though many are familiar with Darwin’s exploits, perhaps few are aware of the political and historical context setting the backdrop to the naturalist’s voyage.  Judging […]

Did Darwin Avert His Eyes to Cultural Extinction?

From 1832-1835, Charles Darwin traveled across South America both on land and at sea aboard HMS Beagle, during which time he uncovered fossils which would later inform the theory of evolution.  Though many are familiar with Darwin’s exploits, perhaps fewer are aware of shocking ethnic cleansing which formed the backdrop […]

Darwin’s “Giant Llama” and Legacy of Ancient Megafauna

Nearly two hundred years ago, an epic voyage shaped the views of a young naturalist.  Traveling aboard H.M.S. Beagle through South America from 1832-35, as well as over land, Darwin took in endemic flora and fauna which helped shape the theory of evolution by natural selection.  In Argentina, Darwin uncovered […]

The Fate of Darwin’s “Mischievous” Caracaras

It’s perhaps the most central environmental question facing us: will we be able to adapt to an accelerated pace of climate change?  In the case of birds, the answer would seem to be a resounding “no.”  That, at least, is the impression I get while speaking with experts aboard the […]

Darwin and the Curious Case of Gaucho Rivero

From 1832-1835, a young Charles Darwin made his way through South America aboard HMS Beagle, during which time he made key observations pertaining to wildlife.  Though Darwin’s exploits on the Galápagos are widely discussed, his travels in the South Atlantic, and specifically the Falkland Islands (known in Argentina as the […]

Adventure! Darwin and Climate Change in the South Atlantic

At the risk of asking a somewhat grandiose question, will we be able to adapt to climate change, or alternatively face extinction?  If he were alive today, it’s a question which might have vexed Charles Darwin — though the naturalist would not have denied environmental change, the colossal pace of […]

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