Berlin: From Turkish Minarets to Treehouse to Neo-Ottoman Hipster Chic

In Berlin, Turkish immigrants live cheek by jowl alongside anarchists and political radicals.  In Kreuzberg, for example, a mosque lies just a stone’s throw away from the radical counter-culture. Not far from the minaret, I came across a curious tree house.  The structure originally belonged to Osman Kalin, a Turkish […]

East Berlin: From Graffiti Galerie to Sandinistas

Well off the beaten path lies Lichtenberg, where passers-by can check out Graffiti Galerie underneath the highway. More graffiti and animal motifs off to the side of the highway. Above Graffiti Galerie, I came upon a curious mural honoring the Sandinistas who are hardly a model for progressive political ideals […]

Kreuzberg: Welcome to Revolutionary Store

In Kreuzberg, I came upon a kind of “revolutionary store” selling clothing with radical slogans, books and other items.  The owner, who sat in the middle of the store frying sausages, explained that he had been in the spot for decades. A few days later I walked by the store […]

Berlin: From Anti-Gentrification to Anti-Google to Pac-Man

In Kreuzberg, anti-gentrification sentiment is rife.  I came upon banners protesting high rents. Banners protesting high rents can also be seen outside of Kreuzberg in the northern section of Berlin. An anti-Google banner in Kreuzberg.  Recently, protests against the tech firm have been gaining steam.

Legacy of the Wall

Tourists flock to Berlin’s East Side Gallery, where remnants of the wall are open to public view. Reaching the end, I peered behind the wall where the landscape was desolate. A commercial mural selling yerba mate drinks from South America contrasts with urban art across the street. Elsewhere, graffiti artists […]

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